Sunday, October 25, 2009
Bite it!
I had to bite one to prove that they were real chocolates. I had them this cold October afternoon at Chocolatte on Bourke Road. Ric and I went on our own, Anton had a bbq with friends Luke and Nick. It was weird going without him, it made me think of one day, possibly not too far down the road when Anton will not live with us anymore. Everything will be so different, we will have to make so many adjustments and quite frankly I prefer if that day is not near...anyway the chocolates were really cute and nice and we looked at books at Borders for longer than usual, because we didn't have a bored teenager that hurried us along. By the way, I am reading an interesting book called "Mobius Dick" by Andrew Crumey. Ricardo bought it in a used book store and I started reading after finishing Dexter and uni. It is really an interesting idea and it is written in a gripping way. I will tell more as the story unfolds.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Saturday indulgence
Saturday has been declared the "Indulgence Day" in our family. Whatever we feel like eating, we eat.It usually involves quite a bit of preparation and hard core cooking. We start thinking and organising on Friday, we discuss what the menu will be, complete with appetizers, dessert and movie selection. Then we do the shopping and usually Saturday morning is when the cooking starts. Dessert is cooked first to allow for its refrigeration time. The house is filled with the aroma of baking, sugar and butter melting in the oven, sometimes a hint of vanilla essence can be inhaled, other times is lemon or chocolate. It's quite a sensory experience and one that I will always remember...time spent with my son rummaging through the cupboards, handing each other ingredients and taking turns to stir. It is the little things that make life special and life is full of little moments if one can stop and savor them. Sometimes the savoring comes much later, after the moment is gone, but the important thing is recognising it and re-living it. Tomorrow will be a simple menu of chicken schnitzel and chips and lemon pie for dessert. A recipe that I found on the internet a couple of weeks ago and it turned out delicious! This week will lack caramel slice because it has been a favourite for a long time and we need to take a break from it, we decided.
Friday Dinner
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Inglourious Basterds
I know you may think I misspelled those words, but I didn't. Quentin Tarantino did. I heard on the radio that when he showed his notes for the movie on a piece of paper he had misspelled the words because he is apparently a really bad speller. So someone must have told him that the words were misspelled and he decided to leave them like that. And really...he can do what he wants, can't he? It is really another little detail that can add promotion to the movie. By far I think one of the best movies of the year. Loved it. It is a very Tarantino movie as far as the way the story is told. From the opening titles you can tell is him, the music, the titles. The movie is told in chapters, the script is original and is full of dialogue- tense situations where the characters tried to look relaxed but you know they are about to explode and something very small said out of place can trigger a lot of violence. He has a gift for these dialogues, you find yourself tightening your hands to the seat or clenching your teeth. The main characters are so fantastically played and the camera angles just add to the tension. I was a little apprehensive to see this film because it is about Nazis and I don't particularly like Nazi films, however this one is a must see. It is glorious and worth every minute of it.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Waiting for a table
Today we went to Camberwell (again) and wanted to have a coffee at our usual place but it was packed. We waited for a while to see if someone decided to leave, but then we changed our minds and went somewhere else. I had a cafe latte. I like cafe-lattes. I like drinking coffee out of a glass instead of a cup. I think I like seeing the light brownie colour of the liquid inside. Sometimes at home when I have left over condensed milk I make myself a spanish latte. All you do is pour coffee in a glass and add a tablespoon of condensed milk. It is delicious!
Hoy queriamos tomar un cafe en el lugar de siempre (Chocolatte) y estaba llenisimo. Esperamos un ratito pero no se desocupo ninguna mesa y decidimos ir a otro lado. Tome un cafe latte. Me gusta el cafe latte, creo que lo que me gusta es tomar de un vaso en vez de una taza y me gusta ver el color marron claro del liquido. En casa a veces cuando me sobra leche condensada me preparo un "Latte Espanol". Consiste en llenar un vaso de cafe negro y agregarle una cucharada sopera de leche condensada. Es tan pero tan rico.
Termino el semestre por fin!
No puedo creer que finalmente llego el tan esperando fin de semestre. Mi pobre cerebrito necesita un descanso para regenerar algunas de las dendritas desgastadas. Hoy es el primer fin de semana de liberacion asique me siento como si estuviera flotando, liviana y libre. Contaba en mi blog anterior que tengo tantas ganas de llegar del trabajo y no tener NADA que hacer...ay que lindo! Ayer sabado cocine una pasta flora y hable con mi hermana Bettina por telefono, me conto muchas cosas del cumpleanos de 15 de Sofi. Hoy tuve que madrugar porque Anton tenia ensayo para el examen de violin (que cosa Australiana organisar un ensayo un domingo a las 10 am). Despues de ir a buscarlo nos fuimos a Camberwell, el vidi se compro un par de camisas re lindas en Kathmandu y tomamos un cafe latte. Miramos libros en Borders y volvimos a eso de las 6. Miramos un episodio de Dollhouse (not bad) y ahora es hora de cocinar y prepararse para el lunes.
Wordle what is it good for?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Final Blog ICT
Throughout the course of this unit and close examination of the curriculum documents (Victorian Essential Learning Standards [VELS]) it became clear that the use of Information and Communication Technology in the classroom must be integrated. That is, it must support learning and be used as an interdisciplinary tool rather than a discipline itself. It must assist students to develop their thinking, create innovative solutions and communicate or collaborate with others. Utilising ICT must help students focus on the task and not the technology (Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2009). The technology itself should be invisible so that it facilitates time consuming processes allowing students to concentrate on higher order thinking (Le & Le, 2007). It is however, undeniable that to teach with ICT tools, teachers and students must know how to effectively use them. For that, ICT lessons devoted to learning operating skills must be delivered. For the technology to become invisible, it must first be assimilated. Herein lies the challenge of a creative teacher, how to deliver ICT skills lessons with content that is integrated? We live in an exciting time, where the amount of tools that are available for teachers and students can truly enrich our lessons and help deliver integrated units where teaching ICT becomes embedded. Content will be more powerful and significant because it will relate to real life and have more meaning for young people (Beane, 1995). Lessons can be as varied and as engaging as our students need them to be and there is no denying that our students need to be engaged. As digital learners (Prensky, 2001) they are the first generation to be born with this technology and as such they are able to use it with ease, they identify and connect with it, and most importantly it meets their needs. This brings some challenges for teachers as they must struggle to develop their own knowledge in an area that is constantly changing and improving. I believe that the only way to achieve this is to immerse oneself in the technology. Teachers must really use it, they need to familiarise with it until they can truly understand its benefits and enjoy it. They must do so until technology becomes invisible to them. Bringing Web 2.0 technologies and other ICT resources into the classroom means that teachers will facilitate student development into contemporary, productive and globally apt individuals. Students that learn in an ICT rich classroom can express themselves in socially relevant ways (Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2009). A a teacher I want to prepare my students for life-long learning. I believe that students of today have the opportunity to seek knowledge in non linar ways and if as a teacher I can prepare them to find such knowledge, to network and to connect I will be facilitating this continuous learning (Siemens, 2005).
Beane, J. (1995). Curriculum Integration and The Disciplines of Knowledge. Kappan , 76 (8), 616-622.
Le, T. & Le, Q. (2007). Using computers to promote literacy development. In J. &. Sigafoos, Technology and Teaching (pp. 41-50). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. On the Horizon , 9 (5).
Siemens, G. (2005). Connectivism: A learning theory for the Digital Age. International Journal of Instructional Technolgy and Distance Learning , 2 (10).
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. (2009, September 11). Information and Communication Technologies. Retrieved October 9, 2009, from Victorian Essential Learning Standards:
Wordle, (2009). Retrieved October 10, 2009, from Wordle:
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday was a day of celebrations. For me, I was celebrating eating this delicious orange syrup and almond cake to mark the end of the subject "classroom management". For Anton, he was eating a choc chip muffin to celebrate his bike ride adventure and for my niece Sofia, she was celebrating her 15th birthday party, a coming of age wedding like party in Argentina. I was thinking of her all along and hoping everything went well and happiness prevailed.
El domingo fue un dia de celebraciones. Para mi, fue celebrar terminar la materia "classroom management" que me volvio loca este semestre, con esta torta de naranja y almendras. Para Anton fue celebrar su aventura en bicicleta y para mi sobrina Sofia fue celebrar sus 15. Todo el dia pense en ella esperando que todo haya salido bien y que la felicidad reinara es su dia tan especial.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Twirls ans Swirls
Photography is one of those things that it's never finished. There is always something new to see, or something old seen in a different way. That is part of why I like it so much: it offers life, transformation, stillness, motion, colour, shape, line and an endless opportunity to experience sensations inside the rectangle of a frame. I looked at this iron decoration hanging from a ceiling in a shop in Lorne. It seemed to be looking back and moving in swirls and twirls like the waves in the ocean.
It's true curiosity killed the cat
Oliverio is proof of it. He has to know everything: what is happenning, what's in the bag, what's for dinner, how the washing machine works, what's in the top drawer, how big is the cereal box, what happens behind the shower curtain and why doesn't he fit in the shoebox. But the other day it was incredible. This photo proves what I had to endure to saw the hem of a new pair of slacks. Up close and personal much?
La curiosidad mato al gato. Oliverio es prueba de que este dicho es verdad. El tiene que saber todo: que pasa. que hay en la bolsa, que hay para la cena, como funciona el lavarropas, que hay en el cajon de arriba, que tan grande es la caja de cereal, que pasa detras de la cortina de bano y porque no entra en la caja de zapatos...pero el otro dia rompio el record. Esta foto prueba lo que me tuve que bancar para coser el dobladillo de un pantalon. Primer plano un poquito???
Monday, October 5, 2009
The tunnel is too long
I thought I would be better by now, between the shoulder (which is healing but very slowly) and my stupid groin pain that never seems to cease I am not seeing the light. Don't want to sound depressed by I am. The weather is becoming nicer and I am feeling very old and stuck, too many things in my head to worry about, sick on Uni and in need of a change of wind. Maybe a shot of wheatgrass will help.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Time to recommend new music
Let's just say that every trip to Lorne implies listening to music on the way and making it part of the experience. I think I talked about this musician already, but not in so much detail. I heard her for the first time on Lastfm whilst looking for similar music to Emiliana Torrini and came across Anja Garbarek. Her style is quite jazzy but with a hint of something special that makes it the perfect companion for a night trip. The arrangements in the songs are so many and so detailed that together with the soft voice and melody makes her pieces quite unique and always evolving. Highly original and at times soothing. You must listen to her in the car, especially at night, if possible driving through desolated parts of the city or in the background while reading. Not too loud, but enough to hearing it now and then for the perfect company.