Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lorne here we come!

Que bueno que fue despues de dos semanas de frio y lluvia, salio el sol y nos invito a Lornear otra vez! Fue un viaje distinto, sin plan alguno, subimos al auto y nos fuimos a Lorne, comimos, tomamos helado, cafe y caminamos un poco (lo que me permitio la pierna) y me moje los pies en el agua congelada.
Saque unas cuantas fotos diferentes y las voy a ir publicando de a poco. Por hoy los dejo con la hermosura de este dia y con mi cara de dormida de siempre aunque con mas arrugas.

Finally the sun peeked from behind the thick layer of black clouds and pushed through. It was an open invitation to Lorne. We jumped in the car, nearly without thinking and drove the lovely drive to Lorne. Arrive there around lunch time, ate, drunk, licked icecream and took photos, walked around for a bit and wet my feet in the cold, cold, water. It was such a nice antidote to the ugly weather of this holidays. Now I feel I can breath.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Feliz Cumple Hijito

Yesterday was Anton's birthday, he turned 17...OMG! No puedo creer que este tan grande. Debo ser la madre mas afortunada del mundo porque mi hijo es tan especial y tan bueno! we had a nice day yesterday. Dejo que las fotos cuenten un poco como transcurrio el dia. Happy Birthday Hiji, I love you so much!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Felipe

Today is Felipe's birthday. He had a nice day (I think) with a nice breakfast, a present delivered to the front door (a scratching post), a nice outdoor afternoon with brother Oli and step sister Fugui and after all that a relaxing dry bath with conditioning and hair brushing. I don't think he particularly liked this last bit of it, but one has to look good for his birthday, no matter what it takes. Happy birthday sweet boy. We love you!

El cumple de Felipe (3 anitos) transcurrio agradablemente, con un desayuno de pescado elatado, un regalito, un paseito por el fondo con Oli y Fugui y un bano en seco con acondicionador de cabello. Felipe tenia que lucir buen mozo para su cumpleanos. Feliz cumple Felipe, te queremos mucho.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

No more flowers

Today I felt really good. My shoulder didn't hurt too much and I had a good day. Did all my exercises and read somwe stuff I had to read for uni, so overall a good day. Outside it was warm and sunny. All my flowers are dead now, so I had to throw them in the bin. I am now flowerless.

Que indecision que tengo con el regalo de mi sobrina. Y para colmo nadie me ayuda a decidirme!!! Dale Vale dame una ayuda.
Hoy me senti re bien. El hombro no me dolio mucho porque estoy tomando Voltaren otra vez. Lei mucho y tambien hice mis ejercicios sin dolor pero con cuidado. Afuera estaba soleado y calido. Un buen dia.
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Scar Tissue

Hello here I am now a week and a bit after the operation proudly showing one of the bandages. Underneath is the scar tissue, re-structuring itself to match the smoothness of my skin. BS. I have three of those little patches. One there, one on the side and one on the back. They feel very weird, but are so tiny. Oh science is amazing.

Aca estoy a una semana y dias de la operacion, mostrando orgullosamente uno de los bendajes. Por debajo los tejidos tratan de re estructurarse para amalgamarse a la suavidad de mi piel. ja ja ja. Tengo dos mas de esos, uno al costado y otro atras en la espalda. Que increible que me hayan hecho tanto por dentro sin nada por fuera. Lo que es la ciencia no?
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Monday, September 14, 2009

Much Better

Aca ya me sentia mejor y me habia levantado para ir al bano asique la enfermera me ofrecio si queria sentarme un rato en la silla, lo cual estuvo bueno para cuando vino Anton a visitarme. Como pueden ver el estaba super divertido en el hospital. Pobre estaba cansado porque se habia levantado re temprano conmigo y fue al colegio todo el dia. En el hospital mirabamos una tele plasma buenisima! me la tendria que haber metido disimuladamente en el bolso ja ja ja

Here I was in the evening when Anton came to visit me. I was sitting down on the chair and feeling a lot better. I had my pain medication available at the touch of a button and the remote for a big plasma tv in the room. Dinner was beautiful and that jar of water kept being re-filled! As you can see Anton was having a lot of fun.
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The Operation

This is what I looked like a few hours after the operation. I was so sleepy...didn't feel a lot of pain then but I was so thirsty that all I wanted was a drop of water. I kept telling the nurse "please can I have some water" and she noded and replied: "when you can have it I will bring it to you". Every time she came to check up on me I will ask the same question over and over. I hated that nurse!!!! She also asked me that if I promised to take 5 deep breaths she would remove my oxigen mask but if I didn't she would put it back on. So as soon as she took the mask off I took a deep breath just to show her how good I was, but as soon as she left the room I would fall asleep again so when she came back I took another quick but deep breath just to show her how good a patient I was. Of course she probably thought I had been taking deep breaths since she left ha! HOW I FOOLED HER.

Este era mi estado un par de horas despues de la operacion, me dormia todo el tiempo y lo unico que queria era agua. La enfermera no me trajo nada para tomar hasta despues de haber pasado 4 horas. Cada vez que entraba a la habitacion yo le pedia y ella no me traia. La odiaba hasta que al final me explico que el medico no queria que tome nada hasta pasadas las 4 horas de la operacion. Tambien me dijo que si yo le prometia tomar 5 respiraciones hondas ella me sacaba la marscara de oxigeno asique yo prometi que lo haria porque ya no me la bancaba mas puesta, apenas me la saco, respire hondo, despues ella se fue y yo me dormi, y cuando volvio de vuelta me dio miedo que se diera cuenta que no habia respirado hondo un carajo asique rapidito me mande unas respiraciones hondas y ella habra pensado que me la pase asi todo el tiempo desde que se fue.
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